Julie Hintze*

Debi Janzen

Greg Kavanagh

Margo Keison

Barbara Ketelsen*

Kurt Kiehn

Michael Koch

Fred Langford

Linda Leisle

Janice McCaffery*

Jo McConnell

Marilyn Minion

Linda Murdock

Jo Dee Oestreich

Ron Oestreich

Dwight Olson

Sheldon Reeve

Larry Rehn

JoAnn Ross

Mary Rowe

Kay Anderson

Dale Anderson

Richard Balfe*

Dennis Bohms

Eleanor Braziel

Geraldine Braziel*

Carol Breece

Diane Davalle

Bill Dyck

Kathy Fuller

Barbra Geiss

Ken Gilbert

Betty Goertz

Max Graber

Hattie Gunsch

Susan Hegle

Lyle Heimbigner

Barbara Heimbigner

David Heinemann

Nancy Hille*

Phil Russell

Tom Sackmann

Donald Sanger

Randy Schoesler

Ritchie Schumann

Susan Schwisow

Carol Scott

Greg Shelman

Marilyn Sielaff

Kathy Smith*

Marcy Smith

Barbara Snider*

RaeAnn Telecky

Gail Teske

Mark Thaut

Larry Tufts*

Tim Wellsandt

Phillip White

Sandy Wright

Tim Yokers

Click on Kernel to read.

*indicates deceased

Class of 1970